New! Watch John Bull: In Thee, O Lord, put I my trust
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‘Reconstructed’ consort verse anthems by Orlando Gibbons (1583 – 1625)
Gibbons Almighty God, which hast given
Gibbons Almighty God who by thy Son
Gibbons Behold I bring you glad Tidings
Gibbons Grant, O Holy Trinity
Gibbons If ye be risen again with Christ
Gibbons Lord, we beseech thee
Gibbons O God the King of Glory
Gibbons Praise the Lord O my soul
Gibbons So God loved the world
Gibbons Thou God of Wisdom
Gibbons Unto thee, O Lord
Other 5-part consort anthems by various composers.
Bull Almighty God which by the leading of a star
Bull In thee O Lord, put I my trust(c)
Bull How joyful and how glad(c)
East 1 When Israel came out of Egypt 2 What aileth thee
Nicholson When Jesus sat at meat
Mundy W.The Secret Sins
Mundy W. Ah, helpless wretch
Weelkes Give ear O Lord
East 1 O clap your hands 2 God is gone up
Hilton Teach me, o Lord
Tomkins Turn Thou us,
Morley How long wilt Thou forget me
Ramsey(d) Hear my prayer o Lord
Tomkins Behold the hour cometh
Tomkins Deliver me from mine enemies
Tomkins Merciful Lord we beseech thee
Tomkins Leave, o my soul a5
Ward 1 How long wilt thou forget me 2 Mount up my soul
“Cries” adapted for SATB singers.
Dering The City Cries SATB
The City Cries (vertaling)
Gibbons The Cries of London SATB
Gibbons The Cries of London(orig)
Weelkes The Cries of London (ST)
‘Reconstructed’ 4-part consort verse anthems from Musica Deo Sacra (1668)
Tomkins Almighty God who hast instructed
Tomkins Behold the hour cometh
Tomkins Christ rising again score
Tomkins God who as at this time
Tomkins My Beloved Spake
Tomkins My shepherd is the living Lord
Tomkins Not in the merits
Tomkins Out of the Deep
Tomkins Praise the Lord O my soul
Tomkins(e) Sing Unto God
Tomkins Stephen being full of the Holy Ghost
Tomkins Who is this that cometh
Tomkins Who can tell
Other reconstructed 4-part consort verse anthems
Batten Out Of The Deep
Morley Out of the deep
60 selected consorts for 5 parts/ 60 ausgewählte 5-stimmige Stücke
Contents 5
Viol 1
Viol 2
Viol 3
Viol 4 Erratum Coperario Fantasia 4 Tenor Viol 2
Viol 5
Score a 5
Contents 6 revised
Viol 1
Viol 2
Viol 3
Viol 4
Viol 5
Viol 6
Score a 6
60 selected consorts for 4 parts / 60 ausgewählte 4-stimmige Stücke
Contents a4
Viol 1
Viol 2
Viol 3
Viol 4
12 madrigals a5 from Musica Transalpina I (1588)
Contents Musica Transalpina I a5
Scores with text
Viol 1
Viol 2
Viol 3
Viol 4
Viol 5
BAND2: 60 selected consorts a5